
Thankam Nair

I stand here in a dilemma
What to say and what not to say
We do observe, think, evaluate happenings
Some irritates, many contradictions
Education and development go hand in hand
But alas, it turns in to mockery
Lakhs and crores makes doctors, engineers and even the divine job teachers
Capitation and donation has its pet name
Are we not ruining the future of our country?
Teach our children that a rupee earned
Has more value than thousands
And honourable is to fail, than to cheat
Faith in ourselves makes us great
We preach and shout against extravagance
And what we do is to cover our precious daughters
With yellow metals on wedding day
And highly intelligent girl behave like puppets
What a shame of education.
Brave, head high, our brothers with patience stand in Q in front of liquor shop
To consume poison.celebrate birth death, success and failures
Share drinks, not affection
Land grabbing a passion
Lavish palatial houses display
And old age, we corner them, un attended.
We express concern, what others say..
In cruelty never bother others.
This is our weakness, our escapism
Truthfulness and hardwork, all rare commodities.
Honesty abandoned
Dishonesty honoured
We embraced laziness
Frequent hartal we celebrate.
Paddy fields converted…
Sand mining, earthmoving,, latest trend.
Children are taught not to play with soil
Not to brave sunlight,, not to wet in rain.
How villainous we act with nature Goddess.
Hardship never tasted
And when face reality
Suicide turns as solution
Take loans, repayment never bothered
We create fearful Lazy younsters
A burden to society, nation
Better to teach him learn to loose, and enjoy success
Crores spent on education
But becomes not worth
Neither better human, nor worthy citizens
Quality never a critiria
How pathetic
Like a good artisan
We mould and beautify
Future is youth of today
Blame ourselves
As test of fire, make fine steel
Make them learn, face sufferings
Stand a d fight, if u think u r right
As cowards are curse
We can do.. we can change..
Impossible turns possible
Optimism look forward.
