The Moonlight

അഭിരാമി സന്തോഷ്

Under the wandering Clouds which Veils the Stars
Lonely Stands the Boy with a Flickering Mind.
His Heart, As the Sky full of Darkness
Without a scar of star, waits for something
His Heart, Like the Dark Clouds which
bursts out to Rain, Throbs Frequently

The Enormous White bead in the sky
Imbued in him a pleasant Heart.
Like the arrow which strikes the enemy
The beam of Moonlight wipes out the Darkness
In His Mind, Then
The clouds unveiled, The Stars Appeared
Darkness Disappeared, The Moonlight Overflowed

As in the Day, He Experience the nature beauty
The Cool Breeze sways the tender leaves
Then Gently touches his Heart
The Little Stars on the Earth Flies High
To Spread Its Innate Light Everywhere
Little Creatures Cry to Break the Silence then
Standing on this Eternal Sphere and
Experiencing at most Love and Peace
He Alone says that
“Oh Nature, In You Alone, Lies My Happiness?”
