Health is Wealth

Thankam Nair

In order to protect from diseases, and keep ourself healthy, we have to follow some simple measures in life. Always remember that health is the most precious wealth that we save in our life.

First we must follow some discipline in life. Punctuality, lifestyle, and food habits add discipline to lead a happy contented life. Our mental health and physical health go hand in hand. Proper diet and exercise play pivotal role. Common essential things that we use at home can be applied for health care.

TURMERIC treat arthritis, diabetics, nerve damage,, protect kidneys, combats obesity, reduces cholesterol, and turmeric is a skin tonic.. Coconut oil and turmeric make a good paste, that nourishes skin, turmeric curd combination… Ripe banana and turmeric.. all these are age old beauty aid for skin.

MUSTARD is rich with B complex, a great source of minerals, calcium, copper and so on. It contains vitamins A and E, good for skin and hair.

JEERA helps digestion, treat acidity, help us to slim, and jeers boiled a
water taking daily has great medicinal values.

GINGER is good to digest, relieves pain, nausea. It has anti cancer properties and enhances our memory power.

GARLIC raw crushing with teeth and taking along with warm water early morning is good for health. Garlic kills viruses and germs.

FENUGREEK is another medicine that prevents many diseases, highly protein rich more than milk, cools our body and effective hair mask. Rheumatism, cholesterol, and thyroid can also be prevented by taking Fenugreek. Soak a spoon of fenugreek overnight, take early morning is a healthy drink. Fenugreek paste can be applied as face mask… Enhances growth of hair if applied as hair mask.

BASIL or thulasi is a wonder plant we have in almost all homes. Thulasi sharpens our memory, combats cold flu and climatic infections, removes phlegm, mucus, insect bites and a very good anti-stress agent and helps asthma patients too. Many more such home remedies are easily available at our own houses, very effective and low cost. Always remember that our attitude towards life makes great impact on our health.

Mental and physical health contribute to each other immensely for a wonderful life. Health is our Wealth and Nations prosperity.
