Click here to know How to include your contributions in this website?

If you are talented in music, dance, literature, art, photography, cinematography, cooking etc., this is the stage to show your talent to the world.

A separate page will be created for you in your name ( in this website and all your contributions will be shown in that page.

There is no age limit for the talent. i.e. father, mother, children or grandparents any one can contribute to this website.

Your story, poetry, article, art work, cooking recipe, painting, songs, the photos and videos you have taken, your life experiences …, whatever it is, send them to the following address. That’s all you need to do.

Email :

Whatsapp: + 91 8183 813 813


If the video you made is available on Youtube, a link to that video is sufficient.

Every month attractive gift will be given to the selected contributor.

With Your Creations, please include the following also:

1) Your name
2) Age (Will be displayed only if you are minor)
3) Place (Mention which part of Kannur you belong to)
4) Mobile Number (will not be displayed anywhere on the website)
5) Your Photo (If photo is not provided, a placeholder image will be displayed on your profile page)

Note :

  • Any person from Kannur, who stay in any part of the world can send their contribution in any language and no restriction on the number of contributions also.
  • Your contributions may not be published if it is found inappropriate.
  • Any article copied from other places/copyrighted materials should not be given for uploading. If done then legal actions as per copyright law will be taken against you.
