Does a deadly virus is needed?

ഗീതിക രഞ്ജിത്

When a man kills a fellow being, he has so many reasons like he may be taking revenge or maybe he kills for greed. But when god kills through pandemics, pestilence, earth quakes and floods – we all change our mindset and thinks – Can God be so evil? No never. Hitherto, we have been interrupting nature privacy and disturbing the serene of nature. When the forest, soil, rivers, oceans, ice caps and the atmosphere as well as the flora and fauna on earth are depleted and in many cases wiped out there will be an input on human beings that’s what karma is, then why we are blaming the God?

How worse we make the nature, it will balance itself. That’s what the CORONA is, the population of the earth has been increasing day by day and the weight which is affordable for earth has become maximum its peak. For making eco system stable and balanced CORONA has set up. For eco system, population alone is not problem, with population air pollution, deforestation, water pollution, sound pollution, interruption of human invasion all these problem are temporarily stopped by COVID-19.

But the horrible situation of CORONA is increasing day by day. Hundreds of life is losing per day in whole world. The whole world is in tragedy without proper vaccine for the virus. Now the world is facing a situation – How and from whom they got the virus. Like this the virus may spread all over the world and we can’t control the scary situation. CORONA had made life of simple man hard and risky especially the migrates, who had migrated for jobs in certain states and countries.

Due to lock down, animals are enjoying the freedom by walking down urban streets. Not only animals, humans are also enjoying these stressful time by watching and listening to nature, walking up to delightfully, mismatched orchestra of squirrels, crows and bulbuls and going to beep with the how of cricket’s vibrating through your window makes our stress melt. And by breathing fresh air makes hand times go fast.

So Corona is not full of negative thoughts it has some positivity too in nature and human life. Let’s more to brighter side. A deadlier virus is needed to know the nature.

Let’s pray for the best and beat our hard times and changes for future.
