True education & success

Thankam Nair

Guru- Sishya relationship is one of the most divine forms of connection and one’s Guru is greater than God himself because we have not seen God, but have seen our Guru.

‘Gu’ is darkness or ignorance and ‘Ru’ is destroyer, Thus, Guru is one who dispels darkness, True Guru has the inner strength and greatness and there is strong link between teacher and student; like a wire that connects the power house with the bulb that burns and gives light.

The purpose of education is to give the student an understanding of the world e/she lives in, to encourage him/her to work towards solving the world’s problems.

VIDYA for the sake of vidya is the highest ideal for the teachers as well as for the taught.

To the whole world, the gift of Bharat is our philosophy and spirituality In the process of India’s evolution, we have never been a conquering race and that is the most important reason for the greatness of our country.

All power is with us-stand up and express the divinity within us. A man should not be judged by the nature of his duties, but by the manner he does them. Up to the age 5, the child should be given a great deal of love-from 5 to 15, they should be brought up with little more discipline and sternness, as this is the stage the foundation of life is laid. But nowadays we see many parents become a slaves of their children, and they shower them with material things/ comforts as a token of love, not love iself. Children in the age group 5 to 15 should be brought up very carefully, otherwise the parents and child both may have to suffer later in life. After 15, they should be given as much love as possible, otherwise they may go astray. Mistakes should be pointed out and corrected whenever need arises.

Education is man-making, life-building and character-forming and love is the foundation of all education.

The teacher is a guide, giving the right kind of learning experience, and environment to the children.  He has also to provide proper forum to discuss their views freely.

Character building –Truth, cleanliness, industriousness, equality, co-operation, lover and compassion and attitude development are all very important ingredients in character building.

Openness in thought and action should be encouraged for the development of personality. New ideas are to be developed through discussion in the class rooms. Teachers’ brain-storming sessions help children to develop healthy attitude that stimulates free thinking and participation.

Appreciate all answers whether they are right or wrong. Expecting or insisting on correct answers may not be always desirable. Allow the children to think and explore new horizon of knowledge.

Positive outlook helps one to be sincere, caring, confident, patient and humble. Also, they will set high ideals for themselves and for the others. We should try to look at the sunny side of everything.

An educated person or Guru is he who can face any situation with fortitude and courage. He will have ability to distinguish good from bad. Ignorance lead one to misery, tragedy, poverty and sickness.

Success is not measured by our position in the society, but our ability to overcome obstacles in life.

Character is the sum-total of person’s value belief and personality and that reflected in our behaviour  and actions. Noble CHARTACTER itself is success.

Discipline is firmness enforced with love and understanding. Without discipline we cannot expect success.

Hard work, sincerity, discipline, planning all combined together bring SUCCESS.

Believe – nothing is impossible.
